The shipping agency, set up in 1924, is the original activity of Destefano Speciale & C. The experience and professionalism acquired over the years makes it possible to work in any situation, whilst ensuring customers the highest levels of service and cost-effectiveness. Our policy has always been aimed at making the agency a local partner of the customer, able to provide any type of service requested – whether directly, through companies in the group, or using carefully selected and vetted suppliers. With increased cruise activity, our traditional activity of assistance to ships was divided into two sectors: passengers and cargo. Operating in an area of high tourist interest, the company has since the post-war years realised the growing importance and likely development of cruise traffic. Destefano Speciale & C. was thus one of the first shipping agencies to set up a specialised department in this sector, in which it now has an international reputation, having received custom from the world’s leading operators. To provide such customers with even better and prompter service, the company opened offices in the tourist harbours of Giardini-Naxos and Lipari in the early 1990s. The operational and financial/accounting management is performed using computerised systems and programs, and with the support of the latest communications, transport and data transmission equipment, in order to make the service as fast, efficient and economic as possible. The young and dynamic company staff have many years of experience in the sector, and are multilingual. Through a consolidated agency network, the company is organised to assist passenger ships throughout Sicily and the rest of Italy. Every year we handle around 250 passenger ships.