The company DESTEFANO SPECIALE & C. srl based in Messina was founded in 1924 and has been registered with the Messina Chamber of Commerce since 1925 under number REA 209.

Since its foundation it has operated as a maritime agency both in the port of Messina and Milazzo and afterwards also in the harbors of Giardini Naxos and Lipari. Since the 1980s it has also operated in the travel agency and tour operator sector, especially in the cruise industry, for  the organization of shore services and excursions in the main Sicilian ports  for several international companies and tour operators.

Present in the area for over 100 years, in carrying out its various activities, the agency has always adopted behaviors in line with a philosophy linked to the utmost respect for people, the territory and the well-being of the community.

The company boasts a high reputation both nationally and internationally, so it is evaluated not only for the quality of the services provided but also for its public image.

In recent years, also following the publication of the Agenda 2030 program with the 17 objectives for sustainable development set by the United Nations, it has deemed it necessary to transform this corporate philosophy into a short code of ethics with the aim of determining the principles and criteria that must regulate the behavior and actions of all workers (employees and managers). In managing its duties, the agency believes it must be strongly committed to promoting correct environmental and social practices, to collaborate with partners in the right way and to assist its customers to the best of its ability. Being a company that mainly provides services, its commitment is expressed through a series of behaviors that have been summarized in this document which has been prepared for a quick consultation and has the aim of establishing simple guidelines to which all operators, employees and collaborators will have to comply in order to become an increasingly “sustainable” company from an economic but also social and environmental point of view; a model to be followed also by other operators in the industry. All members of the company (administrators, employees and collaborators) are involved and are integral part of the company policy.

Herebelow are summarized the main points, for which the company prepares adequate information, prevention and control tools:











The Destefano Speciale & C. srl agency undertakes to manage its business activity by pursuing high standards of economy and efficiency, through actions and behaviors that promote respect and protection of human rights; abhors any form of violation of these principles in the management of relationships with its interlocutors (employees, partners, suppliers, passengers) and promotes respect and sharing among all.

  1. Respect for the individual and Defense of Human Rights

The Destefano Speciale & C. srl agency condemns any discrimination related to age, sex, sexual orientation, health, race, nationality, political opinions and religious beliefs and promotes the fundamental value of dignity of all individuals. It supports diversity, promotes the principle of equal opportunities and inclusion among all human beings, regardless of their personal characteristics. Bases the choice of collaborators and suppliers only taking into account the professionalism and merit of the person. It abhors any practice related to human trafficking, slavery or child labor.

Any form of harassment towards employees, partners, suppliers or guests is absolutely not tolerated. Any type of discrimination that violates international, national or local laws, including forms of discrimination related to religion, skin color, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, constitutes a violation of this policy and will be treated as a disciplinary matter.

  1. Health and Safety, Workers’ Conditions and Enhancement of Resources

The Destefano Speciale & C. srl agency is committed to creating a working environment in which all employees can develop their aspirations and abilities as well as actively realize their human potential. It is important that each employee feels part of the company and actively contributes to its success. For this reason, it is committed to providing them with the best working conditions and a safe and fair environment, and to ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and absolute respect. All wages paid for work performed are in accordance with local laws, including those relating to minimum wages, legally required benefits and overtime hours. Regular medical visits are scheduled for all collaborators to protect their health as required by the laws currently in force and they are periodically and adequately trained and informed on safety procedures through courses organized by authorized persons and organizations.

  1. Anti-Corruption and Responsible Information Management.

The Destefano Speciale & C. srl agency actively fights any type of corruption, extortion and embezzlement and undertakes to respect the principle of confidentiality regarding all information deriving from the management of its relationships with the various stakeholders (employees, partners, suppliers and customers). Adopts behaviors aimed at respecting privacy and confidentiality clauses in the processing of personal data and information in its possession, always obtained with prior authorization and in compliance with the laws and regulations currently in force regarding the privacy and the security of information.


The Destefano Speciale & C. srl agency is committed to promoting human health and preserving the global environment by seeking, in every phase of its activity, to find a balance between economic initiatives and the needs of the environment, taking into account the needs of  future generations.

  1. Transport and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Being a company that mainly provides services, the Destefano Speciale & C. agency cannot measure its environmental impact in terms of gas emissions. However, in its activities and in particular in the organization of excursions offered to its customers, it takes into account some measures aimed at safeguarding and protecting the environment, and in particular:

– mainly uses transport suppliers who can guarantee the use of vehicles with low environmental impact and in compliance with current pollution regulations;

– when organizing tours for cruise passengers, try to organize vehicles and guides in such a way that they can reach the meeting place with the passengers with the same buses used for the excursions, thus avoiding the use of their own vehicles.

– organizes and promotes the sale of the so-called “ecotours”, excursions with low environmental impact whose central theme is to introduce guests to local traditions and  experiences, to involve local communities  or even to visit companies which use recycled materials being reference models for other companies

  1. Waste Management and Disposal.

The Destefano Speciale & C. agency makes every effort to reduce waste to a minimum and to research and use adequate disposal methods. Collaborators are asked to carry out waste separation according to the calendar published by the municipality.  Special waste such as old computers, obsolete machines, batteries and neon lights are disposed of by taking them to the relevant recycling center. It puts into practice virtuous behaviors order to limit the use of disposable objects, such as batteries (replaced by rechargeable ones) and the purchase of loose products compared to those that include bulky packaging in order to reduce waste production. It is chosen and put into practice a policy of conscious use of the paper (for example by recycling sheets printed by mistake and avoiding printing emails and unnecessary documents).

  1. Recycling and Energy Saving

The Destefano Speciale & C. agency is committed to reducing waste and consumption to a minimum. All collaborators are invited to turn off lights, air conditioners and any other device when they are not present in the office or in any case when they are not necessary; monitors and screens when they are not at their workstation; computers and printers in the evening or before going to home. Each workstation is structured to avoid any energy dispersion. As far as possible, supplies of recycled materials are chosen and preferred (paper, consumables, etc.). It starts and promotes the use of low energy consumption devices (air conditioners, printers, LED lighting systems, etc.) and the adoption of behaviors which avoid unnecessary energy dispersion.


The Destefano Speciale & C. agency, being a company that does not produce material goods but a company that mainly offers services related to tourism, adopts the culture of sustainability and is committed to sharing it with all its stakeholders. With their involvement and collaboration, it intends to leave a sustainable legacy for future generations. It is committed to being a promoter of change, helping to design a new idea of ​​reliable, safe and responsible value. The procurement policy is aimed at selecting suppliers who share these principles and corporate values ​​based on integrity and respect for the environment, people and local communities. All suppliers are expected, as far as possible, to adhere to and share these values. Any violation of work ethics will require a corrective action plan or termination of the relationship with the company violating these principles.

Domenico Speciale has been appointed Sustainability Manager, who in this role is incharged of::

  • aligning the strategic direction of Destefano Speciale & C. with its orientation towards greater sustainability,
  • promoting the vision of sustainability among interested parties,
  • supervising sustainability reporting,
  • leading the implementation of the sustainability policy and the development and execution of the company’s sustainability action plan,
  • improving the sustainability of the services offered and the supply chain,
  • regularly updating staff, partners and suppliers on the challenges and progress of corporate sustainability practices.